Upper Primary Year Level Coordinator’s Message

What a great year! I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support you have given both to your child and to the school. We have covered a lot of material and participated in many fun and exciting programs throughout the year.

I would like to thank teachers, parents and students for making our primary concert a successful one! It was great to see all students having a wonderful time and shining on stage. They practised their dance moves for months and they all looked amazing that evening. I would like to thank all the audience who came along to make the evening so successful. A special thanks to Ms Coskun and Ms Yacine for organising the event and the staff who have supported the whole concert process.

We had another great event on 16 November too, where it was great to see students attend and participate in our athletics carnival. We were proud of the high level of participation and effort shown by our students. A big thanks to the sport committee Ms Wyatt, Mr Bistricki, Ms Celik, Ms Hot, Mr Kocdemir, Ms Scaife and Ms Mahmood for organising the big event. It was great to see everyone working together to make the carnival an enjoyable and successful experience.

I would like to thank teachers, parents and students for making our Primary concert a successful one! It was great to see our students being involved, practising their moves, having fun, performing and learning so much throughout the whole experiment. Students looked incredible in their costumes and performed very well. I would like to thank all parents who came along to make the evening so successful.

To my Year 4 home group class I say: I was so fortunate to have such a wonderful group of students this year. Each of you has brought such joy and happiness to my classroom. I’m glad I was your teacher and thank you for being great class. There have been special times shared in the classroom and other wonderful enriching times we had together.

I wish you all the best and have a safe holiday!

I would like to thank the Upper Primary Department team of teachers, parents and students for working cooperatively.

I hope you have a safe and wonderful summer break.

Yours sincerely,
Ms Esra Yildirim